Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Orientation Quiz

A.What is something that is going well in your life?

My classes are going well, grade-wise at least. I'm finishing the Web Foundations Occupational Endorsement this semester and starting the Web Authoring Endorsement. That's a boring answer but I don't know what else to say.

B. What are your specific goals for this class?

To become more proficient in Photoshop. I took a Digital Photography class about a year and a half ago and we learned how to use Photoshop but I thought the instructor went over the Photoshop instructions too quickly so it was hard to follow.

C. What was your first experience with computers and imaging technology like?

My first experience with computers was when I was in junior-high school in the early eighties. We had an Advanced Computer Club at school and I was the only girl in the club. My first computer was an Apple II+ which I bought with the very first Permanent Fund check. I don't remember too much about what I did except I think I did a little programming in BASIC.

My first experience with imaging technology was when I was 17 and I went with my parents on a trip to Australia. I decided that I wanted to learn how to use a 35mm camera. My dad is a photographer so he taught me how to use one. It was a nature tour so I took a lot of pictures of scenics and critters.

D. Do you usually work on a Mac or a PC and why?

I have been using a PC up until now mainly because of cost and because it's what I'm used to at work. I'm planning on buying a MacBook shortly. I'd like to be comfortable using both.

E. What is your experience level with Photoshop or image editing programs?

In the Digital Photography class I learned how to use Photoshop to edit photographs. We also had some assignments with layers, how to do panoramics, converting color photographs to black and white and selective coloring of black and white photos.

F. What is something you liked about your day today?

The homemade
Fettuccine Alfredo and roasted broccoli I made for dinner tonight.

G. How do you plan to use what you learn in this class?

For career plans and hobbies using web design and photography. I currently have a web site I designed for my dad I would like to make some improvements to. I also design a book catalog at my job at the Juneau Public Library where this may be useful.

H. What would make this class go very well for you?

Interesting assignments and clear and consistent instructions.

I. How do you plan to make this class go very well for you?

By keeping on top of the readings and assignments.

J. What do you do for creativity?

Listening to music. I also come up with a lot of ideas in the shower.

K. Who are John and Thomas Knoll?

John and Thomas Knoll were the inventors of Photoshop.

L. Do you own or have access to a color image scanner?


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