Monday, February 23, 2009

Project 3a: Redo

Apparently I did this assignment incorrectly, so here is the redone image. The first thing I did after creating a new document with size 8" x 8" ,72dpi and white background was to view the rulers on both the new document and the image to duplicate so I could get the approximate sizing and alignment.

I first selected the rectangular marquee to create the cross shape in the center and the four squares. I drew a rectangular bar down the center and with the shift key added the other horizontal bar. This created the cross. I then continued to hold the shift key and added the four squares around the perimeter. When I did this I would cross check with the completed image using the ruler to make sure I was getting the correct sizing.

Next I switched to the elliptical marquee tool to create the circle. I selected the subtract from selection option and drew the circle by holding down the alt key. I also used the spacebar to position the circle in the middle of the image. This seemed more tricky this time then when I did it the first time and I'm not sure why. I discovered the edit ->step backwards function which was helpful when I wanted to undo a selection mistake.

I then selected the polygonal lasso tool to draw the triangles. I started at one corner and drew one edge, clicked, drew the second edge, clicked, and drew the last edge and closed the triangle when the 0 appeared. I also would view the rulers while I was doing this to verify the sizing.

Lastly, I chose a foreground color, right clicked on the image and then filled the entire image with color.

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