Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Project 3a: Selection Mania

For this assignment I had the had the rulers display on both the image I was working on and the image to copy. That helped me a lot with making sure I was getting approximate sizing and that the shapes were aligning.

I used the rectangular marquee tool to draw the four squares on the perimeter. I then picked a foreground color to use and then right clicked and filled with the foreground color. I used the polygonal lasso tool to draw the cross in the center. I also filled that shape in with the foreground color. I clicked on the add to selection button that was used with the polygonal tool to add the triangles and the circles inside the cross.

For the triangles I again used the polygonal lasso tool. I right clicked on each triangle and then filled them with the background color to make them white.

For the circle in the center I used the eliptical marquee tool. I picked the center of the image and then pressed the Alt and shift keys to draw from the center out and also the shift key to make the ellipse a circle. These were some things that were suggested in our text. I then right clicked on the circle and filled in again with the background color.

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